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Novus Community Scheme

One of the most difficult hurdles charities face in the twenty-first century is visibility. With more than 800,000 good causes in the U.K. alone, individual charities can struggle to stand out and make their story heard – particularly smaller trusts and organisations. If they fail to be noticed and slip under the general public’s radar, the level of donations they receive suffers; plenty of worthy causes risk dissolution every single day.

A lack of visibility aside, studies also show that the number of people donating to charities is in decline.

So, what should a good cause or charitable organisation do?

To stand a chance against their competitors even the smallest outfits should operate like a business, by applying a marketing strategy, understanding their cause’s USP and core values, and promoting their brand’s story.

Few charities are large enough to employ full-time – or even part-time - marketing staff. That’s where Novus Community Scheme comes in.

We can help your charity determine its value proposition as well as show you how you can make the best use of your assets (e.g. your volunteers, who could all be effective ambassadors with the right training). We can help you derive greater income from your charitable events and show you how lucrative it can be to sell your own branded products online.

Novus are specialists in video production and can bring your cause to the attention of new donors and volunteers. The motivation to set up a charity typically stems from a personal experience, a story…we can help you tell this tale. We’ll shine a spotlight on your journey and get people involved, make them want to be a part of your story. We’ll also help get your message under the noses of decision-makers and higher-level donors already looking for worthy causes to support.

Novus Community Scheme is an arm of Novus Marketing Solutions, an award-winning marketing agency in Yorkshire. Our fees for charities are markedly low and at a level even the smallest organisations can afford. The level of service we deliver, however, will be the same high standard and quality we bring to our numerous corporate clients.

The simple question is: in a declining market, and with rapidly-rising competition, can your charity afford to continue along the path to anonymity? Think of it as a simple business transaction: a return on your investment. Novus’s charges are small, but the revenue we can bring you could be many, many times more than your organisation’s current income.

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